PS5 Controller battery upgrade

PS5 Controller battery upgrade

Does anyone know of a a good battery upgrade for the ps5 controller? (One that's been tested and legit as advertised)

Top slimed MOB bitch ass out and got it on video 📹 😂😂 He dumb 🤣 🦈♟️🤞🏽💥🕶🕯

I love this Delivery Mission challenge. XD

In need of karma


Reddit é um APP casos de família

Verdade que todos sabemos mas os antigos ignoram. Reddit antigamente se destacava por ser uma rede edgy. Era o espaço onde os nerds, os aficionados e que queriam ver um mundo diferente do nosso ia. Tanto que um dos subss que mais trouxe a tona a rede foi o famoso r/atheism. Mas essa era morreu. A grande popularização da rede veio com r/AITAH. Tudo por conta de fofoca. As coisas mais bizarras que não vemos no cotidiano aqui tá de graça, pra todo mundo ver com todos os detalhes. Eu mesmo fiquei mais assíduo da rede por conta dessas histórias Isso cresceu tanto que explodiu. Agor tem milhares de subs sobre esses assuntos. Des do desabafos, manipulação , vent, confeessions. Tudo com um único propósito: FOFOCA. Saber da vida dos outros e muito prazeroso e pode julgar ee melhor ainda. Meu único problema com isso é quão viciante é quão isso distorce nossa percepção da realidade. Mas o ponto desse post é: sse o Twitter é a rede do ódio, o Instagram das aparências e o tiktok da dancinha o reddit e a rede da fofoca. Nada mais nada menos. O antigo reddit morreu e ser um redditor na maioria das vezes é ser fofoqueiro. De qualquer forma a rede continua muito boa e até superior a muitas outras. E muito fácil conseguir informação de qualquer tipo de pessoa aqui.

[Politics] - Judges in Washington Push Back on Trump’s Reprieve of Jan. 6 Defendants | NY Times

animation gizmo cv1 broken

whenever I try to edit the speed of it it doesn't change and instead is stuck at 0

From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

Created Kraken account, bought some SOL, account on blockchain explorer showing as "Account does not exist" despite having non-zero SOL balance

Does anyone know what's causing it to show "Account does not exist" in the "Balance (SOL)" field for my account and how to fix it?

[National] - Judges in Washington Push Back on Trump’s Reprieve of Jan. 6 Defendants | NY Times

is it worth completing "cyber-security" focal path offered by university.

Hi everyone, my university is a member of the "NCAE-CD" program and offers a "certificate of completion" for completing courses that are part of the "cyber security focal path." I only need two more classes to get the certificate, but one of them is about binary exploits and deals with a lot of assembly and machine code and it looks to be very tedious. Do you guys think its worth it to get the certificate or nah?

Our small team is happy to announce our Physics based city builder - All Will Fall that you can playtest on STEAM.

Modern Inferno: De reis van Arjen en André

![img](c38dg9qqdmee1 "Modern Inferno: De reis van Arjen en André") Arjen Lubach stond aan de rand van een vreemde, mistige wereld. Hij wist niet hoe hij hier was beland, maar een vreemd gevoel van nieuwsgierigheid overviel hem. Plotseling verscheen André van Duin naast hem, glimlachend en klaar om hem door dit moderne inferno te leiden. "Welkom, Arjen," zei André met een grijns. "We gaan een reis maken door de Kringen van Ergernis. Ik zal je gids zijn, net als Vergilius in Dante's oorspronkelijke Inferno." Arjen keek om zich heen. De lucht was zwaar en drukkend, en er hing een constante dreunende echo van onzichtbare activiteit. "Waar beginnen we?" vroeg hij.  **De Kring van de Smartphonezondaars** De eerste kring die ze binnenstapten, was gevuld met mensen die voortdurend op hun smartphones keken, zelfs tijdens gesprekken. Het licht van de schermen verlichtte hun gezichten, waardoor ze eruitzagen als spookachtige wezens in de mist. "Wat is hun straf?" vroeg Arjen, nieuwsgierig naar de logica achter deze moderne hel. "Ze moeten eeuwig luisteren naar een eindeloze stroom notificaties en telefoongesprekken zonder ooit rust te vinden," legde André uit. Het oorverdovende geluid van rinkelde telefoons en piepende notificaties was overal te horen. Arjen kon het nauwelijks verdragen.  **De Kring van de Richtingaanwijzervergeters** In de volgende kring reden automobilisten rond zonder hun richtingaanwijzers te gebruiken. Ze raasden van links naar rechts, veroorzaakten chaos en frustratie bij andere bestuurders.  "Wat gebeurt er hier?" vroeg Arjen. "Deze zondaars moeten voor altijd rondrijden in een doolhof van kruispunten zonder richtingaanwijzers, waardoor ze nooit hun bestemming bereiken," antwoordde André terwijl hij naar de radeloze bestuurders wees. Arjen kon de wanhoop op hun gezichten zien.  **De Kring van de Bumperklevers** Arjen zag mensen die veel te dicht op andere auto's reden. De spanning in de lucht was voelbaar, alsof een botsing op het punt stond te gebeuren. "Wat is hun straf?" vroeg hij. "Ze worden gedwongen om eeuwig bumper aan bumper te rijden in een eindeloze file, zonder ooit vooruit te komen," legde André uit. Arjen voelde de claustrofobie die de zondaars moesten ervaren.   **De Kring van de Agressieve Bestuurders** In deze kring werden mensen omringd door spiegels die hun eigen agressieve gedrag reflecteerden. Ze schreeuwden en gebaarden woest, maar konden niet ontsnappen aan hun eigen spiegelbeelden. "Wat is dit?" vroeg Arjen. "Deze zondaars worden constant geconfronteerd met hun eigen woede," antwoordde André. "Ze moeten naar hun eigen agressieve uitbarstingen kijken." Arjen merkte dat de woede van de zondaars alleen maar toenam naarmate ze langer naar hun eigen gedrag keken.  **De Kring van de Langzame Rijders** Arjen zag mensen die achter een slak reden die hen nooit voorbij liet gaan. De frustratie op hun gezichten was duidelijk zichtbaar. "Wat is hun straf?" vroeg hij. "Ze moeten voor altijd achter de slak rijden en komen nooit op tijd ergens aan," legde André uit. Arjen voelde een vleugje medelijden voor deze zondaars, die eeuwig gedoemd waren tot traagheid.  **De Kring van de Afvalgooiers** In deze kring gooiden mensen afval uit hun auto's. De omgeving werd steeds vuiler en de zondaars leken overweldigd door de rotzooi.  "Wat gebeurt er hier?" vroeg Arjen.  "Ze worden gedwongen om eeuwig hun eigen afval op te ruimen in een steeds vuiler wordende omgeving," antwoordde André. Arjen zag hoe de zondaars tevergeefs probeerden de eindeloze stroom van afval bij te houden.  **De Kring van de Foutparkeerders** Arjen zag mensen die fout hadden geparkeerd en nu wanhopig een parkeerplaats zochten. De chaos en frustratie waren bijna tastbaar. "Wat is hun straf?" vroeg hij. "Ze moeten voor altijd zoeken naar een parkeerplaats in een overvolle stad, zonder ooit een plek te vinden," legde André uit. Arjen voelde de wanhoop van de zondaars die nooit een rustmoment konden vinden.  **De Kring van de Smakkers** In deze laatste kring zaten mensen luid te smakken tijdens het eten. De geluiden waren oorverdovend en storend. "Wat gebeurt er hier?" vroeg Arjen. "Ze worden omringd door een koor van smakkende geluiden, waardoor ze nooit in stilte kunnen eten," antwoordde André met een glimlach. Arjen kon zich nauwelijks voorstellen hoe ondraaglijk deze straf moest zijn. \--- Samen trokken Arjen Lubach en André van Duin door deze moderne hel, gebruikmakend van humor en satire om de zondaars met hun daden te confronteren. Ze ontdekten de diepten van menselijke ergernissen en leerden de waarde van geduld en respect in het dagelijks leven. De reis door de Kringen van Ergernis gaf Arjen een nieuw perspectief op de kleine, dagelijkse irritaties die mensen ervaren, en hoe belangrijk het is om bewust en geduldig te zijn in ons eigen gedrag. Na een lange tocht door de kringen, stond Arjen aan de rand van de mistige wereld, klaar om terug te keren naar de werkelijkheid. "Bedankt, André," zei hij, met een gevoel van verlichting en inzicht. "Deze reis heeft me veel geleerd." André glimlachte en legde een hand op Arjens schouder. "We moeten altijd onthouden dat elke ergernis een kans is om te groeien en te leren. Ga nu terug en deel deze lessen met anderen." Met die woorden vervaagde de mist en vond Arjen zichzelf terug in zijn eigen wereld, vastberaden om met een nieuwe lens naar de dagelijkse ergernissen te kijken en er op een positieve manier mee om te gaan.

SpecNext Invaders -- classic space shooter for ZX Spectrum Next written to learn Z80 assembly language

[Morosi] Free agent LHP Tyler Matzek, 34, will throw a showcase for scouts tomorrow in Irvine, Calif.

[Science] - Covering an Mpox Outbreak in Congo: Mile After Mile of Muck | NY Times

Let’s fight for our r/SMCI handle

Email [email protected]

“This is what you say!”

Dear Reddit Team,

As a major shareholder in Super Micro Computer (SMCI), I am writing to express my concern about the subreddit r/SMCI, which appears to be misusing our company’s stock ticker symbol. Despite reaching out to the moderator of this subreddit, I have received no response.

This subreddit currently contains no meaningful content, which I believe misleads users and detracts from valuable discussions about our company. In contrast, other communities, such as r/SMCIdiscussion, have had to use alternative names to foster constructive engagement among investors.

I kindly request that you review this matter and take appropriate action. Allowing users to claim and leave stock ticker handles inactive can misrepresent companies and negatively impact their online presence. I believe this practice does not reflect well on Reddit’s commitment to providing a fair and transparent platform.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your efforts to ensure a more equitable platform for companies and their stakeholders are greatly appreciated.


~All SMCI Shareholders

"> Email [email protected] “This is what you say!” Dear Reddit Team, As a major shareholder in Super Micro Computer (SMCI), I am writing to express my concern about the subreddit r/SMCI, which appears to be misusing our company’s stock ticker symbol. Despite reaching out to the moderator of this subreddit, I have received no response. This subreddit currently contains no meaningful content, which I believe misleads users and detracts from valuable discussions about our company. In contrast, other communities, such as r/SMCIdiscussion, have had to use alternative names to foster constructive engagement among investors. I kindly request that you review this matter and take appropriate action. Allowing users to claim and leave stock ticker handles inactive can misrepresent companies and negatively impact their online presence. I believe this practice does not reflect well on Reddit’s commitment to providing a fair and transparent platform. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your efforts to ensure a more equitable platform for companies and their stakeholders are greatly appreciated. Sincerely ~All SMCI Shareholders

Why isn’t Pennsylvania one of the states suing? Is anyone else feeling upset about this?

Please explain to me why our state doesn’t appear to be protecting the Constitution… Also, here is another link. Pennsylvania is clearly NOT there.

Home Defense

I’ve built what I consider to be an almost perfect home defense weapon. Unfortunately, as far as I understand, this is technically illegal as constructed due to the vertical hand grip. Should I remove the grip or run it as-is in my nightstand?

Ender 3 pro cyberpunk mod

I was thinking we should do a cyberpunk/sci-fi mod for the ender 3 pro, we can modify existing mods to make them more “cyber” and we can make new designs from scratch. The goal is to make it look like the mod on this prusa printer: Feel free to share feedback or designs on this post 👍

Your Laravel Ecosystem on top of the World

Your Laravel Ecosystem on top of the World

Que cobra é essa?

Localização: Balneário Pinhal - RS. Vi essa cobrinha nadando na parte rasa da praia, indo em sentido areia (numa linha reta da onde um córrego escorre na praia, então acho que ela não é de água salgada). Olhei ela por cima e por baixo e não reconheci como nada perigoso, então resolvi pegar na mão para fazer o registro (mas caso seja perigosa, favor avisar kkk) Foi solta no mesmo lugar onde foi pega, e voltou a nadar no mesmo sentido.

[2 YoE, Unemployed, Software Developer, USA]

* Tell us more than "what's wrong with my resume" or "help not getting interviews" * Just started my job search, looking to polish up my resume as much as possible to land junior or mid-level roles in Government, Civic, Climate, or Education technology. * What positions/roles/industries are you targeting? * Software Developer / Fullstack Web or Mobile Developer * Where are you located and what locations are you applying to jobs in? * Remote positions in the US. * In-person positions in the San Francisco Bay Area. * Are you only applying to local jobs? Remote only? Are you willing to relocate? * Willing to relocate to Puerto Rico or Mexico. * Tell us about your background and current employment situation * I've just finished 1 full year of internships at medical technology companies and government contractors. Another full year of bootcamps and intermittent internships. * Tell us about your job-hunting situation and challenges you've encountered. * My internship just ended and they didn't have a permanent position to roll onto. I was working full-time on a React Native / Go mobile development team. * Hoping to avoid more internships but will take what I can get. * I am most interested in Government, Civic, Climate, or Education technology. My dream organizations are Code for America and KhanAcademy. * Tell us why you're seeking help. (i.e., just fine-tuning, not getting called back for interviews, etc.) * I don't have a lot of experience so I want to know if there's anything I can do to stand out. * Is there a particular section on your resume you’d like feedback on? * I've heard mixed things about Profile and Skills sections. Are they actually helpful or just a waste of space? * Is your citizenship status and visa situation playing a role in your job search? * No, I am a US citizen.

[World] - How Europe Is Preparing for a New Era of Trump | NY Times

Doodled this lad while calming down from an Anxiety attack, need a name for him now.

Do engineering students need to learn ethics?

Was just having a chat with some classmates earlier, and was astonished to learn that some of them (actually, 1 of them), think that ethics is "unnecessary" in engineering, at least to them. Their mindset is that they don't want to care about anything other than engineering topics, and that if they work e.g. in building a machine, they will only care about how to make the machine work, and it's not at all their responsibility nor care what the machine is used for, or even what effect the function they are developing is supposed to have to others or society. Honestly at the time, I was appalled, and frankly kinda sad about what I think is an extremely limiting, and rather troubling, viewpoint. Now that I sit and think more about it, I am wondering if this is some way of thinking that a lot of engineering students share, and what you guys think about learning ethics in your program.

🔥 Stay warm this season with reliable electric heating solutions in Alleghany County, NC, and Independence, VA! Trust the experts to bring efficiency and comfort to your home. Ready to upgrade? Watch now! ⚡ #ElectricHeating